Discover the Secrets I Used to Go From Having $147 in My Bank Account to Making More Than $1,000,000 from My “Little Writing Empire”

Get a Proven Step-by-Step System to Become a Profressional Writer

Did you Know That Most Writers Who Try to Build a Writing Career, or Even Just Want to Write Consistently, End Up Failing?

I’ve seen many writers come and go since I’ve started.

Many of them just like you, who either had dreams to become a full-time writer or just wanted to get better.

Here’s the problem you face…

You don’t have a reliable system to:

Write consistently

Transform your writing skills

Take the next steps in your career like marketing and monetizing

Without a system, you feel stuck.

Maybe you write for a few days, then crash and burn, only to let weeks go by without getting any writing done?

Maybe you are writing consistently, but since you don’t know how to improve your writing, all your effort goes to waste because nobody reads your writing?

Maybe you’re trying to figure out the next steps like marketing or monetizing your work, but you don’t know where to get started because there’s so much advice pulling you in different directions?

You try to fit writing into your life, but life gets in the way.

You probably have a job and a family to tend to on top of trying to become a skilled write. 

All of it combined…

The day to day grind, the conflicting advice about writing online, all the skills you have to master, the different platforms you have to learn, and the styles of writing you have to do for each…

Just leaves you feeling stuck and overwhelmed.

You know it’s possible to transform your writing skills and build an audience of loyal fans, but you either don’t know where to start or don’t know what do to next.

I bet you wish someone could just tell you exactly what do to, how to do it, and in one order, so you wouldn’t have to continue to second guess yourself…

Wondering whether or not you’re just wasting your time.

On top of the skills you have to learn, you have to wrestle with those creeping thoughts of self-doubt in the back of your mind.

What if nobody wants to read what you have to write?

Why would anyone listen to you? You’re not an expert…

What if you’re just not cut out for it? Maybe you just don’t have the talent to succeed…

You might look at what you’ve written and think to yourself:

"This sucks…there’s no way I’m ever going to become a great writer.”

Do any of these sound like you?

You get writer’s block

You can’t get views on writing platforms

You find it difficult to express how you feel

It takes you way too long to write an article

You struggle to come up with ideas for articles

You have a hard time finding inspiration to write

You don’t have enough time to write and edit articles

You can’t concentrate and stay focused while you write

You don’t know where to start when it comes to picking a topic

You’re afraid the topic you want to write about doesn’t make money

You have too many topics you want to write about and can’t choose one

Your ideas are scattered all over the place and you don’t know how to put them together

You’re a perfectionist and never think your writing is any good, so you tweak your posts but never publish them

You struggle to put your ideas down on paper. You have them all in my head, but the actual writing is the problem.

You do manage to get your ideas down on paper, but you don’t like the final result. The finished product doesn’t match how good you thought it would be in your mind.

These are just a few of the many roadblocks in your way…

Each roadblock you run into de-motivates you. 

Each time you procrastinate and avoid putting your butt in the chair, you lose a little more confidence. 

Each time you post something only to hear crickets, you feel like writing even less than you did before. 

If you don’t find a way to fix these problems, fast, you end up like most writers who have big dreams of honing their craft and building an audience, only to get chewed up and spit out by the writing game.

Even worse…

Your dream of becoming a great writer never goes away.

If you’re like me, someone who’s kind of always had that itch to write, you’ll always feel a sense of regret if you don’t do what you know you’re meant to do.

And then life goes on…month after month…year after year…even decade after decade. 

You’ll look up and realize that you wasted your time, you didn’t follow your dream of becoming a writer, and you let yourself down because you knew you could do better but just didn’t.

You’ll sit on the sidelines while you watch people, who were no smarter or more talented than you, build these amazing writing careers with adoring fans and fat bank accounts. 

If you have the same dream I did, and you don’t follow it, it will eat at you on some level for the rest of your life. 

It doesn’t have to be like this, though…

It’s not your fault.

Nobody showed you the right system to become the writer you know you’re meant to be.

The other solutions you tried just weren’t the right fit.

Even the most inconsistent and doubt-filled writer can become prolific and skilled if they had the right system.

What If There Was a Better Way?

What if you’re just the right solution away from success.

What if you could finally start making a serious dent in your writing career?

What if you knew exactly what to write about, how to write compelling words people want to read, how to build an audience, and how to turn that audience into an income you can use to have more freedom in your life?

I created a system just for people like you, who have the desire to become a full-time writer, but just need some clarity, direction, and support.

A system that will:

Replace confusion with clarity

Replace doubt with confidence

Replace inconsistency with momemtum

This step by step process will clear the fog in your mind and help you become a prolific, popular, and profitable writer.

What I Learned From the Community Was Worth Way More Than The $5k I spent on a business coach.

"I took what I learned in The Writers League such as copywriting, content writing, social media captions writing and been able to upsell it to my current freelancing clients”

-- Ethan Himka

From Lost and Stuck to Prolific and Profitable

Michael Lim
7.8k Medium Followers

"Before I enrolled in Ayo's course, I was just a passionate writer with big dreams but little direction.

I struggled to find my voice, connect with my audience, and effectively convey my ideas. I knew I had potential, but I needed guidance and expertise to unlock it.

Doing the course changed everything for me.

From the moment I started, I was blown away by the depth of knowledge and the practical techniques shared by Ayo and how practical and applicable his advice was. He provided invaluable insights into various writing styles, strategies for engaging readers, and tips to enhance the quality of my content.

The results?

Well, they really speak for themselves. Since doing the course, I make an average of four figures per month (which I thought would never be possible for me), 30,000+ views per month on my articles and have started to branch out into digital products and email marketing.

It's been a long journey and I am still learning as I go, but doing this course and having Ayo guide me through the monthly coaching sessions has been incredible. I am now at the stage where I can really start to scale my writing to be close to a full-time income.

It's been a bloody wild ride, and I am glad I had Ayo in my corner for the journey." 

-- Michael Lim (7.8k medium followers)

As an Editor, I Can Trust Writers That Work With Ayo

Nicole Akers
Editor in Chief of Publishous: A top Medium publication with 43,000 followers

"When I add writers to Publishous, I often look to Ayo’s students because I know they are dedicated writers who write often and write well. They are people who know how to captivate their audience.”

--Nicole Akers, Editor in Chief of Publishous: A top Medium publication with 43,000 followers

I'm Able to Quit My Soul-Sucking Job this Month and Finally Have a Room to do Things that I Care About

Anggun Bawai

"I started writing on Medium in late 2020 but didn't know what I was doing, and my earnings were never more than $150/month.

So in 2021, when I felt so frustrated with my day job in Digital Marketing and wanted to make good money in writing, I decided I needed a mentor - someone who's been on the game for so long.

Ayo has given me incredible insights on how to improve my writing skills.

I love the course because there are practical suggestions I can implement right away, such as the Headlines exercise.

I took the course back in late August and started to get really consistent with publishing 30 articles/a month in September. 7 months later, I hit my first $2k, worked for several freelance clients outside Medium, and was invited to a Podcast Show as they said they love my articles.

My biggest achievement from it all is that I'm able to quit my soul-sucking job this month (May 2022) and finally have room to do things that I care about.

I created my 6-month game plan, and Ayo's course has helped me a lot to make it happen."

--Anggun Bawai

"This Program Helped Me Achieve Extraordinary Results in Just 4 Months"

Khyati Jain
1500 Followers, 7 Top Writer Tags, 3 Consecutive Four-Digit Income Months

I’d been writing for a while, but didn't see considerable success until I joined Ayo’s course. I am from India, so the price of the course was actually more than my monthly salary. 

After 6  months of joining the course, I have 1500 followers, 7 top writer tags, 3 consecutive four-digit income months, and an unshakable self-belief that I will die as a writer.

Come hell or high water this is what I am gonna do for the rest of my life.His motivation and knowledge changed my life.

I am now earning 5 times my previous job, which I quit last month.

So, if you truly want to make a living as a writer, I highly recommend investing in his course. His course helped me achieve extraordinary results in just four months.

-- Khyati Jain

The Writer’s League

A Community and Knowledge Library With Organized Paths to make Your Writing Dreams Come True.

The Writers League is an online writing academy and a supportive community of like-minded writers who will encourage you, keep you accountable, and inspire you because you’ll be able to see regular people like you achieving their writing goals.

With the Writers League, you’ll  get step-by-step instructions and a supportive community where you can learn and grow with like-minded people.

We will dive more into the details of what you get later, but let’s first talk about the outcomes

The Writers League is designed to help you become a full-time professional writer:

Build an audience of loyal fans who reach out and thank you for changing your life with their words

Spit out polished prose fast, become a prolific writer, and publish new posts with ease

Develop a fearless attitude, have confidence in your writing abilities, and feel like people are dying to hear what you have to say

Create a profitable side hustle you can eventually turn into passive income

Earn more money writing simply by expressing yourself the way you naturally talk

Translate your life stories into compelling posts that people want to read

Reach milestones like your first $1,000 month, 1,000 email subscribers, and 1,000 followers on writing platforms and hit higher levels and milestones like your first 5-10k monthly revenue, email subscribers, and followers on writing platforms

Transform your writing skills and become the type of writer readers hunt down for new posts because they can’t get enough of your work

I’ll help you transform your writing career, just like I did, by using our proven step by step system to help you build the writing career you’ve been dreaming about for years.

We teach a four step Prolific, Profitable, Popular Writing System to help you:

Figure out exactly what to write about

Build a audience of readers who love your work

Become a prolific writer, come up with endless ideas, and spit out polished prose fast

Figure out exactly how to Monetize your writing in the way that best fits your talents and strengths.

How Does The Prolific, Profitable, Popular Writing System Work?

Step 1:

Choose Your Profitable Writing Topic

We will walk you through a fool-proof step by step system to find the best match between the topics you’re most passionate about and the topics other people want to read and will pay you for. 

We’ll show you how to do audience research and use our proprietary scoring system to make sure your topics are winners before you ever pen a word. 

You’ll go through the checklists and exercises, and they will produce topics that you both love to write about and are proven to get views and earn money.

You Will Discover:

How to ethically spy on your competition to come up with profitable topic ideas

The rookie mistakes you must avoid if you want to earn serious money

The secret strategies I use to get readers to feel like I’m reading their minds (I bet this page makes you feel like I’m reading yours, doesn’t it?)

How to find ‘hidden gem’ topics that have ‘weird’ yet profitable monetization methods

Our custom math equation that will choose the perfect topic for you gauranteed

Step 2:

Create Your Prolific Writing System

Next, we will teach you how to kill writers block for good.

You’ll learn a step by step, paint by numbers, easy to follow method for writing blog posts with viral potential fast. It’s the system I use to write 5,000 words per day with ease.

You Will Discover:

How to come up with clickable headlines using the ‘idea machine’ technique

Ways to discover your readers deepest desires and dreams by using the ‘four factor analysis’

The ‘3 step editing system’ that will kill perfectionism, make sure your blog posts get published, and leave your readers with nothing but valuable information

A behind the scenes look at my writing process that will 3X your writing speed (minimum)

The 4 most important areas of your blog post you must nail to go viral (miss one and your odds drop dramatically)

Step 3:

Build an Audience of Loyal Fans (And Make Money at the Same Time)

Your audience is the lifeblood of your writing career.

Once you have enough ‘true fans’ you’ll never have to worry about making money with your writing again.

We will walk you through the most popular writing platforms and show you techniques to build a massive audience on each one.

You Will Discover:

The glaringly obvious reason why most writers never build big audiences on platforms like Medium (and how to fix it fast)

How the $.02 strategy gets big name writers to pay attention to you and even share your work

How to crack the algorithm code and get platforms to promote your work to massive audiences for free

The several underrated and massively profitable audience building technique 99 percent of writers never use

A simple 10 minute daily exercise that will 10X the views you get on writing platforms

Step 4:

Monetize Your Words

After you’ve built the right foundation, making money with your words is a piece of cake.

I will show you how to monetize your writing by teaching you skills I learned from direct experience.

You Will Discover:

The subtle mindset shifts you need to become a six-figure writer

Each monetization model ranked by ease of implementation and potential earnings

How to guarantee you’ll make sales with any products you create

The secrets to building a profitable blog that helps you make passive income

Little known monetization strategies that make big bucks

After we walk you through the four step system, you’ll continue to learn advanced techniques and strategies that will help you transform your writing skills, grow your audience on auto-pilot, and add new income streams to keep growing your wealth.

This is where continued mentorship and community come in.

Instead of just consuming a course and being left to fend for yourself, you’ll have experts to help you and like-minded writers on your side for the whole journey.

I created what I’m about to share with you because I want to be accessible to you, help you refine your craft, and teach you all of the micro skills you need to learn over-time.

Imagine having an experienced writer with proven results who will stay by your side the entire journey.

Imagine being in an environment where you feel supported and encouraged, where you can be held accountable so you don’t procrastinate and stay stuck at the same phase forever.

What I’m about to share with you is the result of eight years of writing experience, $923,002.20 made, and wisdom picked up from secret masterminds of six and seven figure writers.

If you’re finally ready to get serious momentum and transforming your writing, click the button below to go from broke and inconsistent writer to well-paid pro.

Everything You’ll Get
In the Writer’s League

Premium How-to Courses ($4997 Value)

These are full online courses I’d normally charge $597 or more to the public, including topics like:

List Building 101

Watch Me Write Course

The Blog Post Blueprint

Making Thousands Per Month on Medium

These courses will help you save time and money, walk you through step by step systems, and help you level up your skills, which means that you don’t have to waste time and search the entire internet for different programs.

The Knowledge Library ($2997 Value)

These are mini-lessons on specific skills &topics like:

Writing Tips

Email Marketing

Starting a Paid Newsletters

Building Your Audience on Social Media and more

These bite-sized lessons will help you quickly implement techniques to grow your income, which means that you can shorten your learning curve and get results faster. 

Custom Roadmaps ($2497 Value)

We’ve organized these lessons into custom roadmaps so you don’t have to wonder which lessons to take in what order.

You’ll get:

Specific Tasks to Do

Watch Me Write Course

A Customized Sets of Lessons

Milestones to Achieve Before You Move to the Next Step

These courses will help you save time and money, walk you through step by step systems, and help you level up your skills, which means that you don’t have to waste time and search the entire internet for different programs.

Hot Seat Sessions ($497 Value)

If you have a specific problem you need help with, you can join me for a half-hour coaching call where I will solve your problems on the spot.

Other students can watch and asks questions after the hot-seat session has ended.

These sessions will give you clarity, direction, and guidance, which will keep you from spinning your wheels by trying techniques that don’t work.

Live Workshops ($2997 Value)

These are live trainings I would normally charge the public a pretty penny to join.

If you’re a member of the league, you get access to these sessions for free.

These workshops will give you relevant, timely, and practical strategies for writing success, which means you’ll get takeaways you can use to build your writing career faster than you would on your own.

Guest Expert Workshops ($997 Value)

I’ve built a large network of successful writers over the years:

6-Figure Freelancers

7-Figure Course Creators, and More

Twitter Influencers With 200k+ Followers

SEO Experts With $50k/month Niche Websites

I will bring these experts on to co-host workshops that will help you improve your skills, build your audience, and make more money.

This will help you get proven advice that gets results, which means you don’t have to waste time wondering if the information you’re learning it legit.

The Writers League Mastermind ($1497 Value)

This is the bedrock of the community.

We have a private chat mastermind to connect you with fellow students. You will get support and accountability from myself and other students.

You can ‘post your wins,’ get celebrated for your success, and encouragement to tackle the next milestone in your writing career.

Accountability Groups ($997 Value)

You will get a private group of members to work together to succeed on your writing journey.

This will help you stop feeling alone in your writing journey, make lifelong friends, and trade strategies with other writers that will speed up your timeline to becoming a full-time writer.

Many members describe the community as a small club where you get to meet like-minded writers and grow together.

Plus These Four Exclusive Bonuses!

The Pro Writer Mindset Series ($297 Value)

This is my ‘secret vault’ of mindset videos for members only where I focus on breaking your limiting beliefs and replace them with confidence, clarity, and actionable strategies to overcome your doubts and fears.

Article Tear Downs ($1997 Value)

Get specific and detailed feedback on your writing so you can transform your skills way faster than you would on your own.
I’ll point out the strengths in your writing to emphasize and the weak points in your writing to fix.

Swipe Files ($497 Value)

You’ll get my private collection of writing inspiration, including:

My Custom List of Headline Templates

100+ Intros and Hooks to Use in Your Writing

Headlines for Articles that Have Made Thousands of Dollars

Landing Pages that Have Added Tens of Thousands of Subscribers

Curated Lists of Top Medium Publications to Submit Your Writing to

All these resources can cost $597 alone.

The Medium Writing Superstars Program (Yearly Subscription Only, $597 Value)

This is a self-paced online course that has helped 500+ students make money writing on Medium.

This program was priced at $597. Join the Writers League with a yearly subscription and it’s yours free.

4 Quarterly 1-on-1 Calls with Monthly Reviews (All Stars Plan Only, $1997 Value)

You will get 4 quarterly coaching calls with me where I will give you hyper-personalized advice and help you to stay on track.

This comes with monthly personalized review and about how you can achieve your writing goals.

Priority Access to Hot Seat Sessions and Article Tear Downs (Yearly Subscription Only, $597 Value)

We can only do several Article Tear Downs and Hot Seat Sessions per month.

With All Star Plan, you will always be the top priority and get more personalized help and support from Ayo.

Check Out
My Student's Results

“I Saw This as One of The Most Legitimate and Well-Structured Programs Out There”

Meet Jane

Before joining The Writers League, she had sluggish results.

After taking the courses and applying the knowledge, she established the right writing process she didn’t have before.

Now she understands the importance of consistency, how to write headlines, model content, and analyze her work, and what makes a good article.

Watch her video for more

“Being a Part of The Writers League Was the Best Investment in My Life.”

Meet Lizzie

Before joining The Writers League, she had no idea where to start. She read a lot of content, but it didn’t really help her to where she was on her journey.

Ayo & The Writers League helped her to get direction and ideas. Now the writing journey for her feels much more reliable and direct.

Watch her video for more

“It's a really Great Program and It's Given Me the Sense of Purpose”

Meet Nata

Before starting the program, she was very uninspired and struggled to get her head straight into writing.

After 4 weeks in the cohort inside The Writers League, she’s been able to start publishing articles consistently and got great feedback

Watch her video for more.

“It has Provided Me with the Path Forward I Needed,”

Meet Laurie

Before joining The Writers League, she was very inconsistent with writing and prioritized everything else over that.

In just 4 weeks, she became much more consistent. She loves the information about writing, marketing, and monetizing your business.

Watch her video for more.

Here’s How The Writers League Will Finally Help You Become the Writer You’ve Always Wanted to Be.


I’m active in the community, I host Q&A calls and provide feedback on student work.

You’ll have access to myself and other top writers to get your questions answered and problems solved.

Access to mentors will help you avoid wasting time trying strategies that don’t work, which means you’ll reach your audience and income goals faster because you’ll avoid rookie mistakes.


Camaraderie, friendship, a group of people with a shared mission.

Stop going this alone. You need support. The right environment will help you grow faster.

Your odds of success are ten times higher with the right people in your corner. It also makes the process a heck of a lot more fun.

We’ll celebrate your wins, encourage you when you feel stuck, and keep you accountable so you can stay consistent.


Everything I teach in the academy comes from battle tested experience. I don’t teach strategies I haven’t personally done myself.

You’ll get to learn from someone who has a track record of success and has helped many students replicate that success, which means you’ll have peace of mind knowing you’re in good hands and no longer have to wonder if the techniques you try will work.


We have a massive knowledge library, but we also handpick lessons and put them in customized roadmaps so you know exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.

Get the information you need and nothing more at your own convenience and speed.

You don’t have to do all the lessons at once. It’s more like having one dedicated place to learn when you need to add a new skill.


We have tools and systems to help you overcome your fears, stop feeling imposter syndrome, avoid shiny object syndrome, feel confident in what you have to say, and inspire you to keep doing the work when things get tough.

Students love the mindset work in our community because winning the battle in your mind is the number one thing you need to make it to the big leagues.


Feedback helps you learn and improve your writing skills ten times faster than you would on your own, which is why we provide feedback on your work, both from myself and your fellow students.

No more having to guess whether or not your writing is effective. No struggling to figure out how to get better.

Are You a Good Fit?

I don’t want to waste your time, so I want to make it clear straight away if the system I’m going to reveal is a good fit for you.

Our Community Makes Sense For You If:

You want to transform your writing skills and be consistent (even if you don’t want to write full-time)

You want to become a full-time professional writer

You’re focused on non-fiction writing that aims to entertain, educate, and inspire

You want to use your writing to build your personal brand and monetize it

You’re looking for step by step systems, mentorship, and feedback to help you transform your writing career faster

Our Community Doesn’t Make Sense For You If:

You write fiction, poetry, or screen writing. These aren’t areas we focus on or have expertise in.

You see yourself as a ‘content creator’ who is strictly using content to grow their back-end business. This is a system for aspiring professional writers.

You’re looking for a get rich quick scheme. There’s no such thing. We can help you reach your goal of becoming a full-time professional writer, but it will take time.

You’re unwilling to follow directions and be coachable. If you’re looking for clarity and guidance we can help you, but you still need to do the work.

You’re not willing to invest in yourself to build the writing career of your dreams

If we're a good fit, click the button below to get started

One of My Students, Chris, was Able to Make $4,029.22 in Just One Month!

"It was like hitting the fast forward button on my writing career. I learned repeatable structure to follow for coming up with ideas, headlines, and structuring my articles.”

-- Chris Davidson

My Journey From Inconsistent, Broke, and Struggling Writer to Building a Six-Figure Writing Empire

I get it…

I was like you once. I had this vague dream that I wanted to make a living writing somehow.

I’d read article after article about becoming a full-time writer. They had good information, but it was still hard to figure out which step to take first, second, and third. 

So I stumbled around, threw spaghetti at the wall, and eventually stumbled on a strategy that worked (I created these systems to help you avoid wasting time like I did).

I started writing because a friend asked me to write an article on his website. Soon after that, I discovered there were websites and platforms that would help you get more people to read your writing because they had built-in audiences.

I wrote for dozens of different publications. I practiced getting better. I was posting a lot.

For the first year or so, though, I made no money. 

Eventually I found out there were certain things you needed to do to become a full-time professional writer so I dabbled with different strategies.

I started to build an email list of people I could sell something to at some point, even though at first I didn’t know what to sell. 

WriI published my first book - my first stab at monetizing.

I published another book a year later.

I started doing small freelance gigs for $15/hr.

Once time I tried to launch a product to my audience (before I learned how to create products that I knew were guaranteed to sell…a strategy I’ll show you) and I made precisely zero sales.

I’ve gone through all the different stages you might be in right now.

The ‘just getting started and don’t really knowiwhat to do’ stage.

The ‘I’m writing, but I don’t know if I’m getting any better’ stage.

The ‘I have an audience, but I don’t know how to make any money from it’ stage.

There were many times I tried strategies that didn’t work and felt like quitting, but I didn’t.

I tried a bunch of outdated tactics that don’t work:

Trying complex SEO strategies as a beginner

Just writing ‘whatever I wanted’ without doing proper audience research

Creating random ideas for products without validating them first

Publishing a book with no audience in the hopes the Amazon algorithm would pick it up

Doing ‘guest posts’ on popular websites that took 20+ hours and provided little ROI for the time I put in

Publishing posts only your blog, crossing your fingers, and praying you get traffic, only to push into the void and have zero readers

Traditional writing advice doesn’t cut it in today’s world.

It’s slow, clunky, ineffective, confusing, and de-motvating because it takes too long to see results.

Eventually, I found a strategy that clicked and helped me pave the path to becoming a full-time professional writer. 

I learned about the power of harnessing platforms to build an audience and make money. 

I stumbled on a website called Medium, one of the many writing platforms with built-in audiences you can use to build your audience.

In the beginning, Medium was just a great site to get traffic to your blog posts. I used Medium to create an email list with a couple thousand people on it. 

In 2017, they launched a program that paid you directly just for writing popular articlers.

The more people read your work, the more you got paid. 

I tried it as an experiment and made a couple hundred bucks.

Soon after, I went all in on the platform and made more than $460,000 just from writing articles. 

Then I used the power of the platform to create a well rounded writing business:

Tens of millions of people have read my writing

I’ve maintained a full-time six-figure writing business for four years

I’ve been able to sell more than 20,000 copies of my book because I had an audience of loyal readers waiting to buy on launch day.

I used my Medium writing as a portfolio to attract freelance clients. Most of my freelance clients found me instead of having to chase them.

Thanks to the email list I built, I’ve been able to make more than $300k in online course sales, both in the self-help space and as a writing coach.

A few other accomplishments to show you that you’re working with someone who has the experience and, more importantly, the results to show you the ropes:

TEDx speaker

Have monetized seven different income streams related to writing

Helped 600+ students transform their writing skills and make money writing online

Top 10 most followed writer on Medium with 100k followers with a featured column on a top Medium publication

600+ positive reviews on three books (my last book was translated and republished in South Korea). The books have also been read in more than a dozen different countries

The accomplishment I’m most proud of:

I’ve been writing consistently, damn near every single day, for years straight without taking a long break. I can teach you how to be consistent because I’ve been consistent.

I don’t teach theory.

I only teach battle-tested wisdom that took years for me to learn. It was a long, twisting, and windy road, but I’ve been able to do what most aspiring writers dream of.

I went from am inconsistent broke writer with a small audience to a prolific full-time professional writer. 

I’ve been through everything you’ve either been through or are about to go through, which is why I’ve decided to package everything I know and give it to you in the easies to follow, most convenient, step by step, paint by numbers, foolproof, basically impossible-to-fail system I could come up with.

And then life goes on…month after month…year after year…even decade after decade.

“I Quit My Job in 9 Months.”

21x top writer in various Medium tags

“Ayodeji is a brilliant teacher.

Initially, I was hesitant to pay for his services because coming from a low-income country it was a huge sum of money to spend.

Guess what? I gained it back within three months.

He's incredibly humble and during our call, he even helped me understand my pain points and gave me actionable advice that helped me elevate my writing big time.

That writing led to making money, quitting my job, and creating multiple income streams - in 9 months.

Last year, I earned 145% more than my corporate salary.

My work gave me a 5% hike whereas I gave myself a much larger one. It all started from my conversation with him. If you want to elevate your life (and there's just one chance that you get at living), he is your man.”

In a year's time, she didn't just make a little bit of coin on Medium.

Her list of accomplishments is literally growing by the day:

21x top writer in various Medium tags

Articles featured by Medium's Twitter account

7,000 followers on Medium

She quit her job to become a full-time writer, has her own product line, and a loyal tribe of.Here's a snapshot of the progress she made early on with the program. She’s blown these numbers out of the water since then.

Join a Community of Professional Writers to Sharpen Your Skills and Grow Your Income

I will teach you an all inclusive system that includes everything you need to know about writing structured in a way that makes it easy to learn and breaks down the advice based on your experience level.
Become a Pro Writer

Get the Entire
Writer’s League System

For Those Who are Committed to Make Writing Work for Them

Pro Plan Yearly

Premium How-To Courses ($4997 value)

Custom Roadmaps ($2497 value)

The Knowledge Library ($2997 value)

Mini-lessons Library ($2997 value)

Live Workshops ($2997 value)

The Writers League Mastermind ($1497 value)

Accountability groups ($997 value)

Guest Expert Workshops ($997 value)

Hot-seat Sessions ($497 value)

Swipe Files ($497 value)

The Pro-Writer Mindet Series ($297 value)

Article Tear Downs ($197 value)

Medium Writing Superstars ($597 value)

Total Value = $22,061

For Those Who Want to Get More 1-on-1 Support on Their Journey

All Star‍

+4 Coaching Sessiongs & Monthly Reviews

Premium How-To Courses ($4997 value)

Custom Roadmaps ($2497 value)

The Knowledge Library ($2997 value)

Mini-lessons Library ($2997 value)

Live Workshops ($2997 value)

The Writers League Mastermind ($1497 value)

Accountability groups ($997 value)

Guest Expert Workshops ($997 value)

Hot-seat Sessions ($497 value)

Swipe Files ($497 value)

The Pro-Writer Mindet Series ($297 value)

Article Tear Downs ($197 value)

Medium Writing Superstars ($597 value)

4 Quarterly 1-on-1 Coaching Calls ($1997 value)

Priority Access to Hot Seat Sessions and Article Tear Downs ($597 value)

Total Value = $24,655

“This Course Has Paid for Itself Ten Time Over”

- Moreno Zugaro, 10X Top Medium Writer, 1 Million Lifetime Views

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do You Teach in The Writers League? Is This Just a Medium Course?

The Writers League can help you build a full-time writing career using any of the popular platforms.

We do talk about long-form writing through personal blogs and Medium, but we also teach skills to level up on platforms like SEO-optimized niche blogs, Substack & other platforms, Twitter, LikedIn, and more.

We have lessons on marketing skills like building your email list, promoting your writing on social media, copywriting and more. There are also step by step tech tutorials like building your first landing page and creating a ‘lead magnet’ to give away to build your list. 

You’ll also learn multiples ways to monetize your writing like niche-blogging, freelancing, publishing books, and creating your first coaching program or course.

Will There Be New Material Added Each Month?

Yes, there will be new material added to the program each month including mini-courses, live workshops with expert guests, and recordings of 1 on 1 hot seat sessions with students.

You’ll also be able to request new content.

This doesn’t guarantee that every single request will be implemented immediately, but the goal is to have an evolving library of knowledge that grows over time.

How Often Will You Have Office Hours?

Office hours will happen twice per month.

You can access the zoom meeting room and get your questions answered on a first come, first serve basis.

If you’re not able to attend the weekly office hours sessions, you can pre-submit questions and get them answered on the recordings.

What if I Don’t Have Time?

That’s the beauty of The Writer’s League. It’s designed for you to be able to get the lessons and help you need when you need them.

A lot of online courses seem intimidating -- this big obligation you have to do in a certain amount of time. Instead, look at the Writer’s League like a resource you can draw from when you need to learn something specific.

What If I Can’t Afford a Membership? Do You Offer Scholarships?

We don’t offer scholarships. Becoming a professional writer is a serious business that requires a serious investment to succeed. Compared to $25,000-$75,000 for an MFA degree (that doesn’t show you how to monetize your writing) and high-ticket five figure coaching programs, joining TWL is a steal.

You can either make money or make excuses, but you can’t do both. It’s not about your resources. It’s about how resourceful you are. Often, when the investment stings a little bit, you’re even more motivated to succeed.

Some of my best students were the ones who were most worried about making the investment. Look at this LinkedIn post from one of my students, Niharikaa, who felt scared when she bought my program, but went on to build a massive audience and a six-figure business.

How Do I Know If This is Right For Me?

This community is only right for you if you have legitimate ambitions to become a full-time writer.

If you just want to write as a hobby and you’re not looking to write for a living, this probably isn’t right for you.

But, if you’re like me, and you want to get paid to share your words with the world, then this is the right place for you.

How Do I Get Access to The Writers League?

Scroll to the bottom of this page, hit the join button, and you’ll reach the check out page.

After filling in your details, you’ll see a page with simple step by step instructions to join our community.

During your first week inside the program, we will send you daily emails telling you exactly what you need to make the most out of the community, sharpen your skills fast, and move toward your goal of becoming a full-time professional writer.

Here’s What Some of the Top Writers Have to Say About Me

Tim Denning
310,000 on Medium
498,000 on LinkedIn
500 million content views in 9 years

"There are writers who publish online. Then there are writers that change the way people think.

Ayo is in the second category. He has created a cult-like audience through honest words that challenge your narrative of the world. His success is the result of a daily writing habit.

Ayo taught me to write ten headlines per day and not let critics take me down. It's also a pretty big secret that Ayo has made a lot of money from his writing.

He's not a flashy guy, but to make the dollars he has shows his talent. I choose to learn from people who have proof-of-work. That's creators like Ayo – and they're bloody rare!"

Sinem Gunel
60,000 on Medium
Multi-Six-Figure Business Owner

"Ayo was one of the first writers I followed and learned from on Medium.

I’ve always admired his no-bs style and learned A LOT through his teachings. If you’re thinking about working with Ayo, you need to be ready for change and massive action because he goes all-in to share his wisdom and experience with new writers.

Instead of making false promises and sharing half-backed advice, he’ll get to the point quickly and teach you exactly how to write for an audience of millions of people."

Sean Kernan
75,000 on Medium
883 Million Content Views on Quora

"Ayo's course is a fantastic route for aspiring professional writers.

It covers all the necessary checkpoints to elevate your career. I particularly enjoyed his sections on editing, title craft, and the nod strategy.

Even though I've been writing professionally for years, I learned a number of new things and am now rethinking my approach to content. Writing can be a highly intimidating craft when you are first starting out.

I've long advised creatives should invest in themselves. Taking a course like Ayo's will help you immensely. He's shown me some of the outcomes of his students. They are making real money and performing great."

Get the Entire
Writer’s League System

For Those Who are Committed to Make Writing Work for Them

Pro Plan Yearly

Premium How-To Courses ($4997 value)

Custom Roadmaps ($2497 value)

The Knowledge Library ($2997 value)

Mini-lessons Library ($2997 value)

Live Workshops ($2997 value)

The Writers League Mastermind ($1497 value)

Accountability groups ($997 value)

Guest Expert Workshops ($997 value)

Hot-seat Sessions ($497 value)

Swipe Files ($497 value)

The Pro-Writer Mindet Series ($297 value)

Article Tear Downs ($197 value)

Medium Writing Superstars ($597 value)

Total Value = $22,061

For Those Who Want to Get More 1-on-1 Support on Their Journey

All Star‍

+4 Coaching Sessiongs & Monthly Reviews

Premium How-To Courses ($4997 value)

Custom Roadmaps ($2497 value)

The Knowledge Library ($2997 value)

Mini-lessons Library ($2997 value)

Live Workshops ($2997 value)

The Writers League Mastermind ($1497 value)

Accountability groups ($997 value)

Guest Expert Workshops ($997 value)

Hot-seat Sessions ($497 value)

Swipe Files ($497 value)

The Pro-Writer Mindet Series ($297 value)

Article Tear Downs ($197 value)

Medium Writing Superstars ($597 value)

4 Quarterly 1-on-1 Coaching Calls ($1997 value)

Priority Access to Hot Seat Sessions and Article Tear Downs ($597 value)

Total Value = $24,655

“This Course Has Paid for Itself Ten Time Over”

- Moreno Zugaro, 10X Top Medium Writer, 1 Million Lifetime Views